3490 Piedmont Road, NE | Suite 1010 | Atlanta, GA 30305
Wilbanks & Gouinlock, LLP
3490 Piedmont Road, NE
Suite 1010
Atlanta, GA 30305
Phone: 404-842-1075
Fax: 404-842-0559
For Media Inquiries:
Please contact Marlan Wilbanks at 404-786-4548
Important Notice:
These pages should not be construed to contain legal advice. While we will treat any information provided as privileged and confidential, you should understand that when you provide the information about a potential case to Wilbanks & Gouinlock, we do not become your attorneys. With your permission, we may use your information to investigate whether we wish to represent you to bring a case. But until we both sign a written agreement, we do not represent you and have not agreed to do so.