How do I know if I have a good whistleblower case?

What documents can be used and how can I get them from my employer legally?

How much will it cost me to have W&G investigate my case?

If we file a lawsuit, will my name be on the suit?

How do you know if you are the First to File a lawsuit or that the Government does not already know about the fraud?

How do you tell how much money a whistleblower suit is worth?

Can I file a suit while I am still employed by the company committing the fraud?


Can we file a class action suit for others who are hurt by the frauds?

You Have Questions. We Have Answers

Coming forward with a whistleblower case can drastically change your life, and raises many questions. We’ve compiled a list of questions we typically get when reviewing prospective cases.

Wilbanks & Gouinlock, LLP
3414 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 725
Atlanta, GA 30326

Phone: 404-842-1075
Fax: 404-842-0559

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